Most of us have become accustomed to being humble in what we do.  We gracefully accept praise and give credit to others often.

As a leader in business, I am no different.  When we fail, it’s “I”, and when we succeed, it’s “we”.  That’s what great leaders do…right?

Let’s look at it from a different perspective for a moment.  I distinctly remember hearing my grandmother say, “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” and that usually had something to do with people complaining about getting something fixed or done. The same idea can be turned into a positive.  

In our busy world, it’s easy to not give yourself credit for the positive impact you make. 

It’s also necessary to remind yourself that you do make a difference in the lives you touch.  It doesn’t matter what you do for a living. Your job exists for a reason.  Your contribution matters. 

Here’s a recommendation for getting started in being your own cheerleader:

When you wake up, when you are getting dressed or when you are taking your daily commute, take a moment to encourage yourself and tell yourself that you are proud of yourself for the impact you will make today.

Tell yourself as many times as it takes for you to feel it inside. Let’s face it…no one can believe in you if you don’t first believe in yourself.  Be the squeaky wheel in your own life and sing your own praises for a change.

It will energize you and allow you to have a positive approach to everything you do that day. Your confidence will shine through and you will notice that not only will you have a better day, but the people around you will see everything you do in a completely different light.