Life is busy. I don’t remember my parents ever being as busy as my life is. Traffic. Deadlines. Laundry. Groceries. Change the cat litter. More laundry. More traffic. Meetings. Homework. Civic groups. Media frenzy…where does it end?

It’s so easy to get caught up in what we must do and focused only on the things in front of us or around us.

Here’s a fun fact. Sometimes we don’t notice the beautiful mountains or the trees because of the traffic jam on the road or the one in your head. The perspective is completely different when you take the ride as a passenger instead of as the driver.

Have you ever bought a new car and the minute you drove it off the lot he saw the very same car everywhere you went? I assure you that all those people didn’t go out and buy the same car as you just because you had one. You simply noticed it more because you have one. It’s pleasing to your eye and familiar to you.

Despite the focus we put on all the negatives around us, our brains enjoy finding positive things for our body to enjoy. I’m sure I don’t need to explain the physiological things that happen when you put positive things in your life and in your mind.

If you truly want to be happier in your life and create happier surroundings for your life, you must take action.

If you’re looking for reasons why things are bad you will find it. If you’re looking for good things you will find them too. And if you want happier surroundings you will choose to share the good things more often then you choose to share the bad things.

The truth is in almost every area of your life, you will find exactly what you’re looking for. Look for the good and you’ll find it. Focus on the bad and you’ll find that too. Your choice for your life.

Choose good and not only will you win but so will the people around you.