It takes five positive thoughts to counteract one negative thought and 12 if that negative thought is spoken.

Make a list of things you intend to purposefully find joy in as you start the day.  We all think about the things we must do and walk through our day before any of it even takes place.

Review your positives for the day and add anything you forgot to your list.  Make it a game for yourself if you must.

Imagine you have a 12-ounces of water. Someone comes along with a shot glass of mud and dumps it in your water. Remember, that’s the ratio that science gives us for a positive to counter-act a negative.  The truth is that very few of us would be willing to drink the water after it has been tainted. You can never really undo a negative thought but you certainly can try to dilute the effect that the mud has within it.  Unless you add chemicals to clean it or boil it for decontamination, chances are you simply won’t ever want to drink that dirty water.  

Be sure that your positives out-weigh the negatives in your world. You may not be able to see the dirt it leaves within you, but you can avoid it becoming so strong inside you that it becomes harmful to you.